Remember Who Fell….
Jummah Mubarak sis! I know you missed us last week, so no pun intended in the title… we didn’t fall haha! Seriously though, as you’re going through life remember that Adam and Eve (peace be upon him them) were the first to “fall”. Not in a sense of “falling from grace” or “falling from heaven”.. no, they slipped. When they slipped, what did they say to Allah swt? When Moses (peace be upon him) accidently killed a man, what did he say to Allah swt? What do we say or rather, what should we say when we slip? …See the dua below
Surah Al-Al’raf 7:23 (The Heights)
رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
“Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. ”
Modesty has been present since the beginning. In these surrounding verses, it’s apparent that there is an instinct of shame. Shaytan has been plotting since the beginning to lead man astray and even convincing man they’ll be in an elevated position to set them on a course of degradation. It’s important to note that the Quran has challenged both stories in Christianity and Judaism (we can talk more about that later), but not that Eve (peace be upon her) erred…instead they both did. This is referred to as “The Fall”.
But we know what comes after a fall right?
(peep the name of the Surah sis)
Allah swt wants us to know that He will always be our source of support and protection. Whenever we transgress, Shaytan really tries to make us think “that’s it”…but it’s not! Even when we don’t mess up, he’s still whispering, trying to control the narrative… minding every other business but his own (hard eye roll). What’s clear is that no matter what, Allah swt has our backs! Stay vigilant, stay the course, be persistent, and trust Allah to do what He said He will do.
Talk Tawheed to Me
“Tawheed is derived from the word ‘aqd, which means to tie, consolidate, affirm or hold tight together. Aqeedah refers to a strong belief in which one is full of certainty. And in Islam, it refers to the belief in one’s heart. It is the full submission to Allah with complete obedience to his commandments, rulings and following his messenger ﷺ.”
This article does an amazing job covering ways we can lead a life to submission to Allah and the choices we make in life. We are special in that we have free will and to choose Allah every time… I meaannnnnn, it’s giving blessings every single time.