Filtering by: “Halaqahs”

“Mental Health and Wellness in Islam” - Pilates Activity

“Mental Health and Wellness in Islam” - Pilates Activity

“How you talk to yourself can either put obstacles in your way or help you overcome obstacles and achieve more. In Islam, we are blessed because through prayer we reach inward to call out to Allah swt. From our mind to our lips we supplicate the name of Allah swt. In the words we say when we pray we are constantly praising Allah swt. This puts positivity in our minds. These are automatic good thoughts. We are praising our Creator. The one that made us with so much thought and care…”

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“How Allah swt Speaks to Women” - Calligraphy Activity

“How Allah swt Speaks to Women” - Calligraphy Activity

“In addition to the prominent speech in the Quran, women were the forefront of the long chain of communication. The transmission of information, just as it is today, was carried out by word of mouth. Many of the notable accounts (Hadiths) of the Noble Messenger (saw) came from women. Hadith transmission emerged early as the principal arena for Muslim women’s religious education.”"

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“Virtues of Ramadan” - Strategic Thinking Activity

“Virtues of Ramadan” - Strategic Thinking Activity

“Do you find fasting difficult? Usually, the first couple days are tough as you get into the groove, and then it becomes easier Alhamdullilah. Keep in mind that you’re not alone. The first Muslims who fasted for Ramadan weren’t used to fasting for long periods of times. They fasted once or twice a year for an example, and what’s also unique for them…. was the revelation of the Quran during their Ramadan.”

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